Saturday, June 29, 2024

Upcoming New Page

Hello wolf fans! 🐺

I figured it would be best to create a Parents Guide to highlight the scenes that make my musical rated PG-13.  I wouldn't want to frighten or make children uncomfortable.  A parent's guide will certainly help families decide if my musical is right for them. 

Since The Wolves of Winter features a Snow Queen, I wouldn't want families thinking it's going to be like...well...another certain Snow Queen we all adore...😉

I'll create the page later this weekend.

Have fun and stay safe. 😎

Facebook Community

Hello everyone! 

I created a Facebook Community for The Wolves of Winter

Fans of dark fantasy, romance, Snow Queens, or musical theater are all welcome to join! 

This could serve as an additional way to reach me as well. 😊

The community is open to the public and can be searched by typing in "The Wolves of Winter."

Hope to see you there! 

~D. Frost ❄

Friday, June 28, 2024


Greetings, late night hunters. ❤

What're you doing up so late?  In the Frost Forest, no less! 😉 

My blog reached 2K views! *triumphant howl* 🐺

Thank you all for your interest and support. 😁

If you have any questions, please let me know. ❄

More Updates to Concept Art Page

Hey wolf fans! 🐺

Check out the latest updates to the Concept Art page. 😎

Oh, and here's a group drawing of The Wolves of Winter characters.  

Be sure to click on the image to enlarge it.  

Can you tell them apart?👀Who's your favorite? 

Enjoy & have a hoooOOOOoowling good weekend! 

~ D. Frost ❄

Bedar and Lucinda Concept Art

Here is concept art of Bedar the Moon Mage & Lucinda, the Lady of the Stars.

Bedar and Lucinda were cut from the story.  To find out why, see the post below this one!

Above: Bedar & Lucinda

Below: Elvera & Bedar


Thursday, June 27, 2024

Did You Know...?

Did you know that The Wolves of Winter cut extra musical numbers from the show? 👀

This was due to not only a character removal, but also a plot change.

Here are the cuts for your enjoyment.  

What do you think about them? 🤔 Comment below! 


  • Oh Howl No More in Pain and Sorrow 
    • This piece was supposed to occur before Onyx and Rose journeyed into the Frost Forest.  It's overall prophetic themes were already covered (therefore replaced with) This is A Tale You Know.  If memory serves me right, it was to be a song at the beginning of ACT II. 
    • The piece was to be sung by Bedar.  This "Moon Mage" was a wizard character who got cut from the show due to having too many powers.  I didn't want him to compete with Elvera.  
    • More about Bedar 🠊Originally, Bedar was in love with Elvera!  He then leaves her to be with "The Lady of the Stars" named Lucinda.😅⭐🌙 In a fit of rage, Elvera has Ivy kill Lucinda, and Bedar vows to do anything in his power to stop the Snow Queen; warning the nearby Village about her Winter Wolves.  This all occurred in the first act. I thought Elvera turning evil due to a broken heart was too cheesy. 😜
    • Bedar wanted Onyx to be content and not give into Elvera's temptations.  He sings phrases such as "there is much in store," "you are not alone," and "do you favor the wolves?" 
  • Oh Kill the Man Named Onyx 
    • Elvera views Onyx as a threat to her tranquil Frost Forest, and sings a piece with Ivy about killing him! 😬
    • The piece had an evil, militaristic march vibe to it 
  • Oh Howl No More in Pain and Sorrow (Dark Reprise) 
    • After Rose is killed, her spirit sings this song...advising that Onyx gives up his desire for revenge and learn to live a life of peace and contentment 
  • Take Back the Frost Forest 
    • Onyx, now a cursed man, returns to the Village and rallies them to take back the Frost Forest from Elvera
    • This piece had elements that were to the tune of Vivaldi's Winter Movement 1 (i.e. 🎜"we're taking back the forest from the Queen Elvera to end this cruel winter and save those we love"🎝)
    • This piece didn't fit in the context of the musical as it became apparent that the Villagers wouldn't want Onyx to return after he kills Rose.  He'd be banished and hated by everyone.
  • Lucinda 
    • Bedar sings of his lust for Lucinda, making statements of how "Elvera's grown so cold."  
    • Interestingly, the exact music for Lucinda got used for Onyx's number Elvera Showed Me Kindness? which did indeed make it into the show!  I just changed the words. 😏

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Busy Summer...

It'll be a busy summer for me! 🌞

I'm working a full-time summer job and taking an online class. 😎

If you have any questions about The Wolves of Winter, please don't hesitate to reach out! 

~D. Frost 

Upcoming New Page