
Monologue 1

Character Name: Elvera

Show: The Wolves of Winter

Act, Scene: ACT I, SCENE IX


Monologue length: Short

Time period: Classical

Category: Dramatic

Tags: Snow Queen, Manipulation, Transformation, Winter Wolves, Curses, Spells, Sorcery

Context/Analysis: After singing “Transformation” with Onyx, Elvera goes on to explain what she means.  She tries to convince him why changing his form is superior to staying human as he wouldn’t be subjected to potential heartbreak.

Body text of the monologue:


(matter of fact)

You must change your form if you wish to stay in the forest with me.  To do that, you have to give into your fears.  Let them wash over you and control you.  In turn, they shall numb you and you will feel nothing.  (Sighs contentedly) I find it quite peaceful.  You no longer need to worry or care about anything ever again.  In a sense, you will begin a new life where you are free to do whatever you want.


Monologue 2

Character Name: Arcadio; suggested reading highlighted (Ivy dialogue included for context/reference), alternatively could be read as a scene between the characters

Show: The Wolves of Winter



Monologue length: Medium

Time period: Classical

Category: Dramatic

Tags: Winter Wolves, Queen, Royal Advisor, Royal Family, Confrontation, Sensual

Context/Analysis: Arcadio confronts Queen Ivy upon her number concluding.  He tries to convince her to join his side and have the Winter Wolves return to the way they were before.  During delivery, make sure to execute Arcadio’s realization and disillusioned stubbornness accordingly. 

Body text of the monologue:



I know you want to kill me, Arcadio.  Princess Willow was banished from the original Pack before we took her in, so she is out of consideration for the throne. My death will mean you’re free to rule the Winter Wolves alongside this sinister spirit you’ve summoned. 



I’m not entirely sure how you can rule alongside a ghost.  You seem to be blinded by your feelings for her that you’ve falsely convinced yourself that she’s still alive!



(mixed emotion)

Perhaps, I have. 

(sudden anger)

But how could I not?! 


(sighing, calmer)

I knew you were with Hawthorne and that Willow was banished.  Willow didn’t like how the snow cleansed her of all feelings.  That is where we were different.  She came to regret her choice while I enjoyed being a wolf.  Elvera was the only one who seemed to understand me.




Elvera is selfish.  She just wanted you to remain a wolf so that you could protect her!  She doesn’t care about you, or about any of us, for that matter.



(scornful laughter)

Care? How ironic, considering you just ran away from your husband and daughter!


ARCADIO smirks and places a hand behind IVY’s back to pull her closer to him.  He then moves his hands to trace her body from her shoulders, down her arms, and finally rest on her hips.


(soft and suggestive)

You know, Ivy, sometimes I wonder what our lives would have been like if we decided to stay as wolves together in the forest.  We could have abandoned our human lives wrought with potential heartbreak and learned to relish something far greater; a life without fear or sadness. (tightens his grip) Think of it, Ivy! How magnificent it could be…


QUEEN IVY breaks free of his hold and backs away in disgust.


Monologue 3

Character Name: Rose        

Show: The Wolves of Winter

Act, Scene: ACT I, SCENE VII

Monologue Setting: INT. FROST FOREST – EVENING

Monologue length: Short

Time period: Classical

Category: Dramatic

Tags: Romantic, Hopeful, Optimistic, Perseverance, Promise, Sensual 

Context/Analysis: After Onyx runs off searching for the White Wolf and Elvera, Rose sings “Closer Than Ever Before” while she catches up to him.  Upon finally reaching her fiancรฉ, she asked him to sit with her and she sings “Oh, Promise Me Something Onyx.”  This piece conveys her wish for Onyx to let go of fear and ultimately trust her.  Although this is technically a musical number, I felt the lyrics greatly encapsulated Rose’s character and could be spoken at an audition.

Body text of the monologue:


Oh, promise me something, Onyx:

That you will never forget about love.

Yes love can be strong and can make you alarmed and just scared that it will fall apart but don’t fear because

Love, can also heal, and make you feel, so very strong, when we’re together.

But to make this all so you must let go, of fear…


Oh, promise me something, Onyx:

That you will never forget our love,

That you won’t let your fear freeze your heart.

Your fear is so near, I can see,

But my dear, you’ll be free,

If you just trust me!

Because we are stronger when we are together.

Don’t you think that we are stronger together?

Don’t forget about love, Onyx…


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