Highlighted Scenes

Scene 1

Character Names: Elvera, Onyx, White Wolf, Winter Wolves (offstage howling)

Act, Scene: ACT I, SCENE V

Character genders: 2f, 1m, mixed group of 5 (howling wolves)


Scene length: Medium

Time period: Classical

Style: Dramatic

Tags: Snow Queen, Into the Woods, Journey, Wolf Attack, Mysterious, Foreshadowing, Winter

Context/Analysis/Other Notes: Before their journey for the Test of Love Tournament, Onyx decides to search the Frost Forest to see if the rumors of the Snow Queen are true.  He encounters the White Wolf, and Elvera saves him from being attacked.  The two then have an unexpected conversation.

Scene Text Box:





(to himself)

Everything will be fine.  This is just a simple reconnaissance before heading back to Rose.

The WINTER WOLVES can suddenly be heard howling in the distance.  ONYX begins to run in fear.  The WHITE WOLF enters STAGE LEFT and growls menacingly at ONYX.  ONYX draws a small DAGGER from his silver belt and points it at the WHITE WOLF.

(with forced aggression)

Stay back!

The WHITE WOLF leaps at ONYX.  ELVERA enters swiftly from STAGE RIGHT and slams a SILVER STAFF on the ground.  The WOLF runs off STAGE LEFT. 



What small, scared, and pathetic creatures…

ONYX drops his DAGGER in shock, amazement, and fear at ELVERA’S bravery.



A-Are you…Elvera?



Why yes, I am.  I’m surprised you know my name.


(with reverence and awe)

You saved my life.  (Drops into a low bow) How can I ever repay you, Queen of Snow?



That won’t be necessary.


Not yet anyway…

ONYX picks up his DAGGER and sheaths it.


(polite, but with slight confusion)

Whatever do you mean by ‘not yet’, My Queen?



You don’t need to worry about that right now.  Perhaps we shall meet again sometime soon.  Besides, (places a hand on ONYX’S shoulder), shouldn’t you be getting back to Rose? 


(stammering in disbelief)

H-How do you know about Rose?



This is my forest, and your village isn’t far from it.  I’ve heard many stories about your village (walks away from ONYX, crestfallen yet curious) and how they fear me.  (Back to ONYX, turns around to face him, smirking) You don’t seem to though…


(playfully confident)

Why thank you, Elvera…

ELVERA turns around to face ONYX.  She raises her eyebrows at the sudden drop of formalities.


(clearing throat, bowing hastily)

I mean, Queen of Snow.


ELVERA smiles and gestures for ONYX to rise from his bow.  ONYX curiously obeys without objection and rises to his full height.




Alright, now run along back to Rose and tell her it’s safe to enter my Frost Forest. 

(With unusual dark sincerity)

I assure you no harm shall come to her by my hands…



(sighing with relief)

Thank you, Queen of Snow, for granting us both a safe passage through your forest.


Scene 2

Character Names: Queen Ivy and Princess Willow, Onyx (brief narration)

Act, Scene: ACT II, SCENE II

Genders: 2f, 1m

Scene Setting: INT. ICE CASTLE, DAY

Scene length: Short

Time period: Classical

Style: Dramatic

Tags: Mother/Daughter, Queen/Princess, Royal Family, Winter Wolves, Family History, Tradition, Curiosity

Context/Analysis/Other Notes: After Queen Ivy’s address to The Pack, she sees her daughter back at the Ice Castle.  She questions why she wasn’t at the address, and wonders why her daughter is so keen on understanding the history of the Winter Wolves when they don’t exist anymore.  The Queen believes that they should look towards the future instead of dwelling on the past.

Scene Text Box:



 QUEEN IVY reenters from STAGE LEFT while PRINCESS WILLOW runs in from STAGE RIGHT.  The two meet at CENTER STAGE, where PRINCESS WILLOW gives her mother a hug.  The embrace is held while ONYX narrates at STAGE LEFT.



Ah, what a lovely speech, Queen Ivy!  A life of emotion certainly does seem fulfilling, upon retrospect.  However, it would seem your daughter has a different plan…


Instead of walking offstage, ONYX stays and listens to the two.



(releases the embrace enthusiastically)

Mother! You’re back!


QUEEN IVY smiles briefly, then steps back with a concerned expression.



(quirking an eyebrow)

Why weren’t you at my address to The Pack?




Oh dear, that was today?! I got so distracted reading books about the history of Onyx’s village.  I’ve always wanted to see what the Village is like.  (suddenly passionate) All the wolf generations used to live there, Mother.  Arcadio first, then you, Onyx, and finally me.  Don’t you ever want that back?  This Ice Castle feels…isolated from them and just isn’t the same.



(slightly exasperated)

I do not understand why you’d want to go back there.  That village has memories of our pain before we changed our forms.  We can now live here in harmony.




The Winter Wolves don’t even exist anymore.  We’re human again.  I want to stay human…and forget everything that ever happened to me as a wolf.  I feel like my life will only truly be fulfilled if I go back to the village where I was born.


QUEEN IVY ponders this carefully before speaking.



(treading carefully)

Not all of the wolves are gone.  Onyx is still a wolf living in the Frost Forest with Rose.  He didn’t want to forget his life as a wolf…it eventually came to bring him peace.




Onyx now lives as a monster; forever chasing the ghost of his beloved.  Perhaps that kind of life did come to bring him peace, Mother, but it wouldn’t for me.  It feels fake and shallow; like something’s missing.  (voice starts to tremble) I fear us Winter Wolves will never fully be at peace…until we return to the village we all came from.


Narrator ONYX seems overcome with emotion at this, and dramatically exits STAGE LEFT. 


PRINCESS WILLOW gazes at her mother with a pleading expression.  QUEEN IVY glares at her daughter and her hands tremble in anger. 




You shall never return to that village!  (quietly, turning from WILLOW) It is for your own good…


PRINCESS WILLOW cries softly and runs offstage RIGHT.


QUEEN IVY watches her daughter leave with a mixed expression.  IVY then crosses her arms and shakes her head in disbelief. The Queen suddenly becomes nervous and starts to pace back and forth in the HALLWAY.


Scene 3

Character Names: Rose and Onyx

Act, Scene: ACT I, SCENE IV

Genders: 1f, 1m


Scene length: Medium

Time period: Classical

Style: Dramatic

Tags: The Wolves of Winter, Couples, Romantic, Opening Scene, Journey Ahead, Test of Love Tournament

Context/Analysis/Other Notes: This scene occurs after Rainard announces that Onyx and Rose will be next to enter the Test of Love Tournament.  The two opening paragraphs are technically the song lyrics to “The One I Love,” however I felt that they could be spoken to lengthen the scene.  This scene showcases the connection between Onyx and Rose.   

Scene Text Box:


Onyx! Onyx!

Oh, now we finally get to prove our love tonight.

The forest, so they say, is the one and only way.

Together with the one I’ve always loved.

But what if we get separated inside?

Oh, that won’t be possible for the one I love.



Rose! Rose!

Yes, now we finally get to prove our love tonight.

The forest, yes indeed, is the one way to succeed.

Elvera does not scare me at all.

But Rose where do you think the howling comes from?

But never mind that my love we will be just fine.


(upon seeing ONYX seemingly in a trance)

Are you alright, my love?



(shaking his head as if clearing his thoughts)

I’m fine, Rose.  I’m just concerned about the wolves in the forest, you see.  I wouldn’t want you to get hurt.



(laughing softly)

Oh Onyx, when you will learn to let go of your fear and trust in our love?  (Begins to blush) I like to think our love is strong enough to help us get through the forest together.

 (reassuringly to ONYX)

Please do not fear Elvera, my dear.  (Holds his hands) We need only believe in our love.



(pulling away from ROSE)

That might not be enough, Rose.  I need to see if the rumors about the Frost Forest are true before we begin our journey.  (Suddenly realizes his pulling away from ROSE has made her upset, says reassuringly) I would want to keep you safe.  Let me go into the forest alone and gauge how truly terrible it may be for myself. 




Alright Onyx, you can go ahead of me to see if the rumors are true.  Even if they are true, we must abide by the legend and go through the forest together.



(with understanding)

I know that, my love.  (Puts on the hood of his BLACK CLOAK) I shall return tonight!


ROSE fondly kisses ONYX on the cheek and ONYX exits STAGE LEFT towards the FROST FOREST.

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