Wednesday, July 3, 2024

More Videos In Progress

Good evening everyone. 🌙

I finished ALL my homework for the weekend!

I'll be sure to upload some more music videos for you. 😁

Since The Wolves of Winter has never been performed, I'd love to create storyboard videos for you to see how the script lines up with the music. 

If you have any questions about my musical, feel free to reach me at 

Thanks for your interest! ❄

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Overture video finished!

Good evening... 😏

I finished the Overture video. 😁

Here it is from my YouTube channel.

Enjoy!  Goodnight. 🌙

Updated Overture

Hey wolf fans! 🐺

I'm going to create a higher quality video of The Wolves of Winter Overture after I do some homework. 😎

Stay tuned! 

~D. Frost ❄

Monday, July 1, 2024

Mental Health Awareness

Hello again. 👀

Please review an addition to the Performance Disclosures page: 

A Mental Health Awareness Statement. 

Thank you! 😁

YouTube Channel

Hey wolf fans! 🐺

I've created a YouTube channel for The Wolves of Winter

Here's the link for your convenience. 

I'll put it on the Videos page as well. 


More Videos In Progress