#Thursday #thewolvesofwinter #snowqueen #darkfantasy #musical #theatre #auditons #CASTING #actors #singers #soprano #alto #tenor #baritone #bass #chorus #music #NewMusicAlert
Performers: 11 DAYS (2/10) - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdGWdy6qAkTy9UNvP3bWkoGcPuzhPAxXRWe4qOUGjojiKGWEg/viewform
From the Artistic Director of Theatre on The Verge (Credit - Facebook Post):
Never thought I’d say this but we could really use some sopranos, altos, and mezzos for the New Musicals Festival this year.
If you were thinking about auditioning but were worried about not getting in, fear not! We have so so so many roles we need to cast.
Lmk if you have any questions! We may be able to help with transportation if that’s a hurdle for you.
I will not say no to tenors, baritones, or basses either, but we currently only have one performer who can sing in a mezzo range and everyone else is lower voiced
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