Friday, August 30, 2024

Table Reading Request

I think I need to have a formal table read of the musical first in order to get feedback on it.  I was a bit too hasty looking for agents, producers, and a whole crew.  

I felt the musical was polished enough for copyright purposes, however I'm realizing that a formal table read is often something people look for when collaborating on "next steps."  You can't just walk in with a script, score, and copyright and say "here you go!" I feel rather sheepish now... 

I've honestly been a bit nervous about posting the full script anywhere.  It even has limited access on Stage Agent unless you're a member.  However, now that the work is protected, I suppose I could try to let go of some of those fears.  That's what copyright is there for, after all! 

If you'd like to be involved in "The Wolves of Winter" somehow, please let me know.

Sick with Pneumonia

Good evening, wolf fans. 

I hope you all are enjoying your Labor Day weekend. 

I got diagnosed with pneumonia yesterday, so I'll be recovering for a while...

If you have any questions, please let me know.  

Be sure to check out my new social media posts as well! 

Oh, I did some Ivy and Elvera artwork too...I should post that...hmm..

~D. Frost ❄

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Lyrics on YouTube

Debating posting the lyrics to the musical numbers on YouTube. 

Hope you're well... 

Still looking for help with The Wolves of Winter. 

Thursday, August 22, 2024

The Wolves of Winter Prequel

Good evening. 

I've been brainstorming ideas for a prequel story to The Wolves of Winter

This would feature a backstory for Elvera the Snow Queen. 

Thoughts on this? 


Hey, wolf fans. 🐺

If you have any questions about The Wolves of Winter, please reach out. 

I'm still looking for help with the project. The list of my production needs in on the Production Page. 

Thank you for your support. 

~D. Frost ❤

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Midnight Thoughts

#MidnightThoughts #midnight 

#amwriting #brainstorming 



#musical #musicaltheatre

The Elf King piano

Here's another version of "The Elf King." 

This piece inspired the tune of "Transformation." 



Searching for Agent

Hey, wolf fans..

I'm still searching for a music agent to help me get The Wolves of Winter off the ground and onto the stage. 

Any suggestions? 

Thanks for your support! 😁



Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Late Night

Late night posting on Twitter & Facebook! 👀

I hope you all are doing well. 

If you have any questions, please let me know. 


Sunday, August 18, 2024




The betrothed HAWTHORNE and IVY stand at CENTER STAGE.  The two have arrived at the heart of the FOREST.  HAWTHORNE affixes a SILVER CHAIN CHOKER onto IVY as a symbol of their love.  HAWTHORNE looks pleased with how far they’ve come, whereas IVY looks nervous…


My Home of Cooling Comfort/Wolves of Winter Theme




I love you, Ivy.

IVY gasps and her footsteps can be heard slowly backing away from HAWTHORNE.  She turns around and runs away, her dress flowing behind her.

(calling after IVY with concern, desperation, fear, and sadness)


IVY’s footsteps fade offstage LEFT as she runs deeper into the FROST FOREST.

HAWTHORNE falls to his knees and hangs his head in sadness.


My Dear Beloved Ivy


SCENE II ENDS after "My Dear Beloved Ivy" 

New Art

Hey, wolf fans! 🐺

I did some new art today.  I'll post it a little later. 

I hope you're having a relaxing Sunday.  

I'll still recovering from bad allergies. 😅

Stay tuned for more updates on The Wolves of Winter. 😎

~D. Frost 

Friday, August 16, 2024

Agent & Lyrics

Hey, wolf fans! 🐺

You may be wondering where all the lyrics are for The Wolves of Winter musical numbers. 🤔

I am currently considering the help of demo singers and an agent to increase the interest of the musical. 

In the meantime, if you'd like to see the lyrics, please contact me directly or be a Pro Member on Stage Agent. 

Thanks for your understanding and support! 😁

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Jazzy Villain Song

Check out Arcadio's jazzy villain number "They're Barely Human." 

It was fun to create this piece as a conversation of him trying to persuade Rainard to see his point of view. 


Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Help Wanted

Hey, wolf fans. 🐺 

I'd love to have some help with The Wolves of Winter!

It would be amazing if someone could sing a demo track, or maybe an orchestra could look at the music. 

Perhaps a music producer or director could help, too. 🤔

Anyone interested? 👀

~D. Frost ❄

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

WebQuest Blog

Hey, wolf fans! 🐺

If you happen to 👀 another blog of mine called WebQuest, that's for a school homework assignment! 😜 

When I'm not posting about The Wolves of Winter, I'm working towards Teacher Certification. 😎

Ironically, the second blog teaches a 12th grade class how to create their own musical. 😏

So umm...yeah.  My name isn't actually Dawn Frost. 😬

That's my icy pen name. 🖋

Saturday, August 10, 2024


Hey wolf fans! It's been a while. 

I've been SUPER busy...but I've been doing alright. 

What about you? 

If you have any questions about my musical, please don't hesitate to reach out to me!

I'm still looking for demo singers...

~D. Frost ❄

Monday, August 5, 2024

Looking for Demo Singers!

#Monday #MondayMotivaton #MondayThought #MondayNight 

Looking for #demo #singers for #thewolvesofwinter #snowqueen #musical...

#helpwanted #actors #singers #musicaltheatre #classicalmusic

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Act 1, Scene 1 ART




 The STAGE LIGHTS are dim, making the characters appear like silhouettes while also accentuating their voices. HAWTHORNE, ROSE and her boyfriend ONYX stand at STAGE RIGHT while the VILLAGERS listen to them intently from STAGE LEFT.



Our village is in danger.  In the dead of night, the Snow Queen Elvera captured one of our own: a young man named Arcadio.  We cannot continue to let this happen to our people.  The Queen seems to be targeting those with a cold heart. 

Charcoal art of ACT I, SCENE I


Good evening, wolf fans. 🐺

Thank you for your interest and support!  

This page now has 3K views. 😎 

I'm hoping to take The Wolves of Winter to the stage...

~D. Frost ❄

Friday, August 2, 2024


I finished all my homework so now I can post more about my musical! ✨

Please be sure to contact me if you have any questions. 😁

Thursday, August 1, 2024


So busy....ahhhlakjgl; ay8oalfkjahl 


Please check out The Wolves of Winter!

I'm still looking for demo singers. 

~D. Frost

Storyboarding Sketchbook